Thursday, April 03, 2008

Boracay 2008 Photos

Ok folks.. time for photo blogging. Hectril didn't want me to post my pictures wearing a red two-piece bikini. ggrr. I swear I look sexy. He he he. If you are smart about the net, you can find them somewhere else. ;)

Set 1

Set 2

I frequent Boracay every summer. I explored the island twice for the month of March already, that was on the 1st week of March and went back there on the 29th-31st. I might post few photos of the resorts I took in Boracay sometime soon.


  1. Nice Shots and Camera, (Canon? I guess, haha),i love bora too, btw, link exchange? lemme know if ure intrested :-)

  2. Thanks. It's taken with SONY DSC-T10. Sure we can ex links, I have a Link Exchange section that can be found near the header. :)
