Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Social Phenomenon

These things are on my mind while I was in class a few hours ago:
1. Is Less More?
2. Purity vs. Enhancement?
3. Minimalism or Comfort?

And this is how I see it... we always want something other than what we already have. It's human nature, really. WE ARE SOCIAL CREATURES. We thrive on change. We need it. All of us need it. Why is it that we crave what we cannot have? You crave me, they crave someone else, and so on.

a) go bigger or go smaller? (see #)
b) what has more value- art or nature? (see #2)
c) how would we feel if we didn't have "things"? (see #3)

Sorry for the philosophical mumbo-jumbo. It's just that I have a new job right now, and I'm seeing myself to be isolated from the world... and that means each day (or night, maybe) waaaaah! It is in these days that I am finding virtually anything is possible.

So my goodness, what to choose??? Underneath all the make-up, wardrobe, STUFF, who are we really? Take it all away and what is left? Without the value we hold in this material and beauty-obsessed society that we live in, how much is the human being itself really worth in the eyes of others?

In a nutshell, I'm really feeling good about turning my focus back into things that I missed doing.
So that's it for now, I'm gonna leave you with this:

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