Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gold 401k and Gold IRA

My sister and I have a different taste when it comes to jewelries and accessories. I am a silver and a white gold lover, while she is a pure gold lover. Whether gold plated or real pure gold, she would definitely put her heart into it. She also has a couple of gold coins that was given to her by our granny in Canada. She's lucky to have gotten it from granny since she's also currently living in Canada.

My grandparents have some old coins that they keep for almost a century. When we moved, that was only the time when we found out that they have those. There were silver coins, and gold coins as well, but I'm not sure if there were gold IRA. How I wished it was like an IRA gold. I knew my grandparents used to have a few gold coins, but we have no idea where they are right now.. I bet they don't know where those coins went anyway. I wish to see them, and to find out if they are like 401k gold.

I am getting more interested with gold or gold coins since I learned that they are a good investment. A lot of gold coin collectors and buyers now that say that gold is the number one alternative for gold 401k. There are also some that would just do the gold IRA transfer to a new or another custodian.

So I think before collecting, buying and investing gold or gold coins, one must also know the history, kind and quality so that you can value your coin more.

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