Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's My 29th Birthday

Heeeeyy! It's my birthday! :D

So, birthdays are weird. I'm older hahaha! I am now 29 years old. My office mates wouldn't believe my age, they say I don't look like I'm 29. Oh wow, I'm getting close to 30! That's really really strange to think about. Hmm.. I wonder what I will get from my friends and family for my birthday? Hah! :p

Well, I will be celebrating my birthday on March 21st at home, just with close friends and relatives. It's gonna be a triple celebration -- my sister's 18th birthday, my brother's 21st birthday, and mine. We are Pisceans!

My bf couldn't make it on Saturday..sooo.. it's ok. He might be coming home by the end of the month. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :D

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