Thursday, December 27, 2007

Things Are Coming Together

I'm off to bed in a bit. Hmmm.. sometimes I wonder if trees feel happy or sad during this time of year. I'm looking at the trees right now, and everything is changing. Everything there is beautiful. But I really do wonder if trees feel sadness from their dying we appreciate the beauty in the process...or perhaps trees are happy to do their bidding in order to show us there is beauty and re-creation in death.

I feel better today. I'm even excited for tomorrow, it's pay day and start paying sh*t off.

Bills to pay:
1. Monthly payment for the new fridge I got as a Christmas present for my parents.
2. Electricity bill (yes folks, I do pay the electricity)

I have decided that I won't spend money on anything. I mean.. I will only spend money for the things I NEED, not on the things I WANT. I have a lot of things to do next year, and to travel is part of the plan. Also, Hec and I just had breakfast together and we're planning of going back to Boracay maybe in Febuary or March, which is my birth month. That should give me enough time to save up a little, knock two bills completely out of the way, and make regular payments on others to do the same. Whew. *smiles*

Now, I need to get some Z's.


  1. Good thing you know how to save ... My 22,000 bonus this year end just went PUFF ... I have no idea where I spent all those money, though part of it was spent when I was at Boracay ... though I have no money ... and only a few gifts received ... I am somehow Happy this Christmas because my father is here and we are somehow complete :)

  2. The holiday spending must have completely burned a hole in your pocket.:)

    Glad to know that you were with a complete family this Christmas. :)
