Saturday, January 19, 2008

An Iraqi's Rant

Politics is not my cup of tea.. but I think I'm slowly but surely turning into a political activist or something. i've spent the last hour reading a blog written by an Iraqi woman. She lives by the name Riverbend. And she has a very interesting posts.

One thing she wrote particularly interest me:
"But that's where the difference is: the majority of Iraqis have a deep respect for other cultures and religions… and that's what civilization is. It's not mobile phones, computers, skyscrapers and McDonalds; It's having enough security in your own faith and culture to allow people the sanctity of theirs…"

So... let's try something different for a change. let's try to respect other cultures that happen to be different from our own. So why not respect and honor ancient traditions that have been passed down through generations? When Larry the Cable Guy becomes the epitome of world culture, I will be very frightened indeed.

I'm going to get fired from my job for ranting too much. seriously.

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