Saturday, March 01, 2008

I Am Miss Mood Swings

Ever feel like you are supposed to be enjoying things and something else came out from nowhere and ruin it? This is how I feel right now. Like I'm so down?

This is the first time in a long time I don't want to "own" my feelings...but I do and they're here. Slowly...I feel like I'm falling into pieces? I hope not yet. Because I don't know how to put myself back together. *sigh*. Ok..this must be moood swings. I think.

On the brighter side of things:
We are off to a sweet escape today- Nature tripping. Yeah! hope it would be all fun. I'd dump you guys some pics when i come back on Monday. Have a fun weekend everyone!


  1. Wow so ur going on a vacation, huh? Is that something to be happy or sad about? Anyway,enjoy the most in that travel.Take care always, sis!Pasalubong!

  2. Yep.. I'm going on vacation.. just for 3 days though, I just need to relax. uhm.. I'm not sure if that's something to be happy or sad about.. hehehehe. I will let you know as soon as i got back from nature tripping. :) But one thing is for sure... i'm broke when I come back. phhbbt!
