Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Worried Daughter

I got a phone call from Joy Indico Horton from Australia. She wanted to know if her parents and relatives are OK in Tabuc Suba, Jaro. I learned from her that she and her husband were trying to call the land phones of her parents and cellphone of her sister for two nights already. But they couldn't get through. So while she was browsing the net last night, she stumbled upon my blog and immediately called me, and asked about Iloilo's situation. And so i did inform her. I got her parents and sister's contact numbers and tried calling them right away.. just after we hung up. I couldn't get through as well.

I tried calling those numbers again this morning, and luckily I have talked to her sister. She told me that they are all safe in their parent's house. Communication were down. Still no power in their area, so they were not able to charge their cellphones. I was about to email Joy, when she IM-ed me. I was then talking to her husband and he told me she was on the phone with her sister. Whew! That's good news. I'm glad Joy's worry has ended.

I also learned from Joy's husband that they have been helping people. Especially the kids in the village where Joy's mom grew up. God Bless their human goodness.

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