Friday, June 05, 2009

Weight Gain

I love to eat, but I hate gaining weight. Why do foods have to be too tasty? I am always tempted to eat when I am out, at the malls, or with friends. Also my cravings for food ridiculously got worsen when I started working with call centers. I worked eight (8) hours, sitting and facing the computer, talking to customers and only had an hour break for lunch, then go back to sitting and facing the computer again. This kind of job made my belly look ugly - ugh, belly fat. Yes, I got fatter when days go by. How can I minimize eating when we have a pantry filled with good foods? So, my weight gain was due to overeating.

I have started my diet since I resigned from that job. So, that would simply mean that this time, my diet would be successful because I will have the time to exercise. I used to do a 20 minute walking exercise every morning before. I'd like to burn more calories to lose weight by doing a lot of exercise. Gym is expensive to me, and I'm also the type of person who would enroll my self to the gym and will never show up. So I think doing a lot of activities can prevent me from eating a lot of foods, especially junks.

But let me tell you something, I can gain weight for one week, and I can also lose weight for one week. Amazing, right? However, I still want to have a to-die-for figure. Wish me luck!

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