Saturday, June 06, 2009

I Could Have Been Dead

Something strange had happened to me today. Early dawn, I had trouble breathing.. I was really trying to catch up some air so I ran down the stairs and woke my parents up. I was brought to the hospital for some check up and such. If I was not rushed in to the hospital around 4am, I could have been dead.

Here's what happened, I was still awake by 2am, because of my abdominal pain so I took some Mefenamic Acid. My body and mind felt so tired and I wanted to sleep but I couldn't, so I took some sleeping pills (given to me by my cousin) because I haven't got any proper sleep for how many nights now. Partly, I am blaming it on scary movies, sodas, and some things running on my mind. Or maybe because for the past few weeks had been mind stressful, that includes my previous job, and now.. school. An hour later I feel nauseated like I wanted to vomit and had trouble breathing, I also feel strange with my sense of hearing. I was alarmed so I had to wake them up. In the hospital, I vomited for like 3-4 times I think. the doctor said, I will be confined if that continued to happen.. good thing it didn't, or else my stomach could have been pumped. I did not intentionally try to kill myself, I love my life.

I was not trying to commit suicide by overdosing. I will never ever do such immature thing. And I know for a fact that attempting suicide by taking tablets is not a cool thing, you will not die right away. It's either that you'll damage your brain, liver failure, and such and then you will live for how many years and disabled.. its a terrible thing. Taking pills is not a painless death, the body will react to that first, either that it will make you vomit to death, or you convulse.. or both.

So I'm now at home, feeling OK, though I have this little headache. Here is me few minutes ago:


  1. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    i am having trouble breathing right now. and my temperature is 103

  2. Oh no.. better see your doctor. =)
