Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lazy Sunday

It's my day off! That would simply mean I could get all the sleep I want. Because from Tuesday- Saturday, I need to get up early (4am) for work. All I can do today is to just stay in, watch movies and daddle around the world wide web. It's a lazy day for me.. I never really like Sunday. It's the day that preceeds the worst day of the week.

Times like these make me miss my boyfriend more, because we'd always go out, watch a movie, eat good foods, cuddle more and spend more and more time together *sigh*. Yesterday we talked over the phone, and we talked about me visiting him in Baguio, I might go there in February or March. Not quite sure yet, but the dates are subject to change. We'll see.

I will leave you with this picture:

[Dinner date at M02, 1/01/09]

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

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