Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lurvin' Cerealicious

Just thought I'd share one of my comfort foods! i am currently addicted to Cerealicious, and would like to try all of the mixes. they have fun and delicious cereal bowls with creative names from blockbuster movies. I think it is a healthy snack because I also get dose of fiber which I normally take for granted.

Here's what I ate this week:
Mint Joe Black

Nutting Hill

Did I say to cut back on sweets? hehehe!

I don't think so. :p


  1. I have imposed to myself strict self-discipline over sweets, but . . . can i have those?

  2. That picture of you is priceless! Haha! (=- Guilty much?!

  3. You gotta try Cerealicious Imelda, i;m pretty sure you'd get addicted too. :p

  4. I am lovin' that picture too Ted hahaha! very much guilty :D
