Monday, January 12, 2009

Teach Your Kids Some Manners

I have to vent for a moment, about something that I am feeling quite passionate about as of lately, or for a while now to be exact. I went to a movie with my friend tonight, we watched Bedtime Stories. It's a cute movie by the way, at least I thought so. Anyways, the movie ends and there was a boy and his parents sitting next to us. Well, the parents stand up to leave (without their garbage) and the son looks at the garbage, reaches to pick it up...but then the father called the son and told him to leave it there and walks away from it.

Now I know that some of you people think, "just giving them a job" well let me tell you....that JOB would be theirs without YOUR EXCESS garbage. What the fuck are some parents teaching their kids? MAKE THEM PICK IT UP! I am the kind of person who never leaves my garbage in the theatre, in fact, i still have the empty bottle of mineral water with me in my bag (see badge below at the bottom of this page).

And what also pisses me off is when we run into them, and I say "excuse me"... they did not even ACKNOWLEDGE ME! Why don't they just get off their thrown or at least slant their legs, and learn some manners!

Teach your children, it's not that hard. Teach them to have respect for other people and to care for other people and to themselves.

Geez. Why am I making a big deal out of this. lol
End of rant.

1 comment:

  1. Nice entry! This is a big deal for me, remember the saying "The Future lies with the Youth"? Kung walang manners mga kabataan shucks pano na, eh di ang dumi ng paligid.
    BTW, I saw Bedtime Stories and loved it too.
