Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life is Good

This morning, I was on my way to the church to be godmother to my officemate's first child, when I saw a beautiful girl in her 20's with no left foot. Then it made me realized, how lucky I am. I was born with 2 feet, and toes, I can see and hear, I have no serious medical problems...I am healthy. How often so many of us take that for granted. I took the rest of the drive after that realization to really take in my surroundings. The trees, how gorgeous they are...and the cold weather. There is beauty in everything. All the people hurrying to somewhere... and the cars stopped beside me at the stoplight. All these people today... they just want to be happy. It's up to everyone in their day, as well as themselves, to make that happen.

The past few days have been so different for me. I've been so calm and at peace with everyone and myself lately. Nothing can touch me, other than life. Just good things. Complaining is easy and there is much I could if I let myself, but that just seems so insignificant. Honestly, I wake up every day with air in my lungs, food in my tummy, and my BF, friends and family by my side. Life is what you make of it... and life is good!

I wish everyone would just love and respect one another, whether you like them or not. If people would just act civil towards one another and let everyone live their lives a bit more peaceful, things would be easier. It's such a simple concept, you know, but people find it so hard to do.

Some days I wish I could make the whole world smile, even those whom I hate, and those who hate me (well, i already made them smile hehehe).'s your turn now. What would yours be?


  1. I'll say a big "Amen" to that! I had a fine week-end balanced with community service and affairs but pleasure on the side because I was with my close friends spending a good night of fine food and bonding moments and not to forget my church family on a Sunday morning.

  2. Good to know you had a wonderful weekend! :)
