Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Strange Times

It's amazing what the universe provides, things that I didn't even know that I wanted.

I asked to have the means to do the things that I wanted, and now I am being presented with the opportunity to do things that are beyond what I had even imagined. I am getting a taste of a life that I have never had and it is solidifying my desire to make more of myself. These are the things that I can have if I reach the goals that I set out for myself. Hmm.. such a strange times I'm in.

Other than that, I am loving the cold weather, and it's really windy. :)

Ok, time for another set of photos!

Chubby! I look like I have a chipmunk face, lol! :p

Uh-oh..I think i said to be anti-fastfood this year. BUT, I just can't resist KFC's french fries and Go-go sandwich!

This was from yesterday. I got this cute shades, hehehe! I'm gonna wear this in Boracay! :p

I gotta sleep now. Keep warm, it's really cold.


  1. Thank you Marie for the warm welcome! =)

    Any friend of (Tita) Marie (Vergara) is my friend too..

  2. just love the cold windy weather too! makes me feel like not wanting to get up and leave our bed, grrrr...tipid pa sa aircon.

  3. MARIE,

    Your chipmunk cheeks are adorable. (=- I don't know, you may have to allow yourself a few fries every once in a while; it looks like you'd be pretty pissed if that fry were taken from you.

    I'm glad things are working out for you and your identifying all kinds of opportunities. Sorry about the cold. Although my cold here is -7deg C. BRR!

