Thursday, November 22, 2007

Manners Mean A Lot

I hate people with no manners. If someone gives you something, you say thank you. If someone invites you somewhere, you don't expect that invitation to be revoked without being told. Manners you see, are clearly something not to be overlooked. Let me tell you this, if I don't get a "thank you" soon, you're about to see an angry me. It's not pleasant. Manners people. Don't overlook them.

Also, hear me say that condescending people suck! No one is better than anyone else, folks. I will punch you in the throat if you say anything trying to boost the ego you have going for yourself in your little fantasy world. Assholes.

1 comment:

  1. this is the state of modern society. it appears as if people are raised NOT to display manners. it seems so much easier for a person NOT to say "thank you" than it is to actually just say it. appreciation comes back around full circle.

    personally, i say thank you for the slightest things, especially in my line of work where you depend on so many people to do their jobs.
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