Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Iloilo City Musical

I was thinking..i don't know how to say this.. but you know how in musicals, people will randomly break into song and dance? Ok, this will sound funny hehhehe . Like could be walking down the street and suddenly all the other street dwellers will start singing with you like everybody got together and rehearsed beforehand, but that can't be possible because you've never met these people in your life. I wish things like that would actually happen.

Sometimes when I'm walking through the street and feeling like the whole city is miserable, I'll imagine that people passing by me in the street are all singing and dancing in unison, especially if I pass by someone playing a guitar in the street or a group of teenagers with their drum boxes. I guess it would be cool if everybody forgot the hustle and bustle of their daily lives just for a few minutes and would cast their inhibitions aside and sing and dance with complete strangers just for the Hell of it. And it would be like.. hmm.. "Iloilo City Musical". Hahaha! But I'm sure that will never happen. Tee hee! :P

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