Sunday, September 14, 2008

The "Past" Survey

Another survey for me! Thanks mel. :). I don't know if I qualify to answer these questions. But here ya go:

1. At what point does your partner's emotional/relationship baggage cross the line for you? What types of behaviors do you consider overlooked, and which will you not tolerate?
  • I've learned to carry my baggage in my pocket over the years, rather than a sack on my back that weighs me down. My expectations for partners are to do the same. Pretty much, when he can prove that his love for me trumps his baggage, no matter what it is, then it is acceptable. We are very open with each other, we are able to talk about each other's baggage.
  • I overlook the obvious stories about exes... But when it's all about them or it's in plain sight it's just too much for me, I want to be number 1.
2. What would you think if your partner had constant pieces of their past floating around more-so than say in your previous relationships? Would you be uncomfortable?
  • Depending on what they are and how much he insists on them being there. I mean, this would depend on what, and in what fashion. Like, a partner having photos out in the open of an ex seems wrong, but pictures in a photo album, things like that: you can't just say "the past never happened, I went from point A to point C in my life without going by point B. You cannot deny your past because it is already a part of your life, but you also CANNOT live in it. I never dreamed on going back to my previous relationships. I am so much happy with whom I am with now.
3. Do you keep all or most, if any, of your sentimental belongings from previous relationships/hook-ups? Do you display them in plain view if you're currently involved with someone else?
  • No. I have a few photos in an image hosting site,but i don't remember my password. I wonder if my account still exists. And to second part, no again. I don't display photos of them.
4. Considering you're still friends with an ex, what would you do if that particular ex was obviously trying to sabotage your current relationship?
  • An ex already tried to do that. I drew a line and told him to stay the fuck out of it, he had his chance.
5. How would you handle an ex harassing your current partner? Would you remain good friends?
  • No, harassing is crossing the line between friends and STALKERS! They're obviously not a very smart person and have issues. Again -stray cat treatment. ignore them 100%.
6. And lastly, have you ever 'harassed' or tried to meddle in a previous partners current relationship? As in, rude messages, phone calls, etc. If so, why? If you haven't, would you ever display this behavior? What would compel you to do so?
  • Good gravy, no. When a relationship is over, once the tears are done, I move the hell on. I keep out of my exes business because most of the time I'm the one with the heart broken and I tend to go away and disappear.

I like this survey. Well.. lately at some point, someone has been trying to sabotage my relationship with my boyfriend. I know I am a pain in the butt for some sometimes. Like for example, one person texted my boyfriend and his mother about rumors and funny things. like I followed my boyfriend in Baguio and that I am pregnant. Whoah! The funny part is, this person may have followed the same guidelines. It's amazing how much this person thinks about me. :)

On another note: I went out last night, with friends and Hec. I'm so lazy to type a proper update. I'd update more next time, with a bunch of pictures.

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