Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dinagyang Fever 2010

The Dinagyang fever is on! I'm really in a festive mood - very much excited for this event. This festival is celebrated by the Ilonggos every the 3rd Sunday of January, in honor of Santo Nino. The highlights of the event will start this coming Friday, January 22, 2010. There will be fireworks, food festival, and parties everywhere with big names in the movie and music industry hyping everything. Plus, candidates for the 2010 election will surely show up hehehe. *rolls eyes*

And since I'm a marketing student, our council will hold a few kiosks downtown. We will be selling souvenirs, foods and beverages. No liquors and cigarettes as per advised by the Dinagyang committee. I don't want to expound more on that, because it might complicate things. lol.

I will leave you a few photos I took out of the 18 competing tribes (including a few people, and me hehehe) for the Dinagyang competition. These photos were shot during the Opening Salvo/Street dancing on January 15, 2010. It was raining that time, so I think I only took photos of the 13 tribes.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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