Sunday, October 12, 2008

Boredom is My Natural Enemy

Oh geez, I slept 19 hours! I hit the sack last night at 8:30pm, then I woke at 3:30pm today! And I was not surprised waking up with a heavy head and a slight fever, I took paracetamol right away. And whallah! i'm ok now, just kinda bored, but been productive anyway.

These days have been beautiful and I'm full of cheer and wonder. I claim that September is not my favorite month so far of the year 2008. And October starts all the warm air with crisp breezes, bright colors and excitement.

October in the Philippines is pouring rain. Pelting the asphalt and filling the air with the kind of humidity that lets the heavy rain pour. Argh. I never like it when it rains. It makes me depressed, though I'm not.

My goal is to live as much as I can, experience everything, feel all of the feelings I can feel and immerse myself entirely in everything around me.

I hate the numbing time sink that is a workday, gazing on my computer at the distorted night. The apathy that comes with routine - i hate not noticing the things around me at work because I've seen them so many times. I also hate not seeing the sunshine. I am a sun-girl, and not seeing and feeling the rays of the sun in my skin makes me feel like a an abnormal person. Lol. Good thing that yesterday I had my attempt of going to the beach with friends and had picnic with them. It's so nice to feel the sunshine hits my skin, but hurts around 12 noon, hahaha! You want to know why i am dying to feel the sun? Read my daily routine.

My mind tells me to go malling or somewhere else, but my body does not want me to. I am just bored.

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