To my fans (lol) who still keeps on sending me naked photos and provoke me.. again, please read my rules. I might as well make an incident report to Yahoo to block your account.
Thumbs up:
My tummy is disappearing and my hips are sticking out. And my friend from New Hampshire,USA (pronounced as noo-hamp-shur) complimented on how wonderful my breasts are. Oh yes I'm proud to say I have nice breasts (not that she saw me naked..nah-ah, we just bumped at each other at the mall). I'm blessed with such a wonderful "twin peaks". These I wish not to disappear. And her boyfriend commented that I don't look like my age. Woo-hoo! To be young again! What can I say...I have an award winning charm for young men. But I don't like young guys anymore. Guess how old I am now?
Thumbs down:
You know what really grinds my gears? People telling me that I'm thin and using a negative tone. I eat what the f#@k I want when I want, and if that means a big bowl of ice cream with fruits and chocolate/caramel syrup then that's what I'll eat. The fact is, I gain weight in my thighs first, then my face, then everywhere else. so I'm not going to actively try to gain weight - not that I should have to anyway!
So I left you guys on Saturday (December 8th update) since then I've been really sick and again I missed my night life. I was slacking in bed and friends were texting me that they were partying, getting more booze and got drunk. I missed the fun :(. I had a very boring weekend, but I had lovely visitors and such. Somehow it was very nice.
*cough* *sneeze* *ouchie*
I'm plagued again. I am sick. I appear to have caught a cold. A proper little flu ridden, helpless mess. Full of snot and fever. And it's not particularly fun. My head is constantly pounding like it's going to burst out. *yeowch* ! My boyfriend says I should go to the doctor. I'm just scared that they will say it's something worse. I want to take a day off from work tonight. But that's not something I I'm gonna work. Ya, I'm feeling sorry for myself, screw you. I want a cuddle. Cuddles fix fever, flu's or any kind of sickness, right?
Though I'm sick, I still smile..and I'm compelled to share. :)
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